Regional Events

Updates are provided when available.
Central: Glasgow, Edinburgh and south of these
For general information contact Fiona Hutchinson
Weekday Walks: these are organised in the 'Central Belt' area often for the 3rd week in each month, but varies so: contact Amanda to put your name on the list for info..
Climbing: Members from across the area meet throughout the year at various climbing venues, indoors and out. There is a WhatsApp group to enable arrangements. Contact: Emma.
Slide shows: during the winter we meet on an evening at 7.15 for 7.30 to share photos. Contact Fiona Hutchinson. Note updates
Wed 22 Jan at Emma's: Emma Bathgate on Climbing at El Chorro
Wed 12 Feb at Amanda's: Adventures in USA
Tues 11 March at Fiona's: Pot luck supper
Outliers: Stirling, Perth, Dundee and areas west
For general information contact Julia Banks.
Climbing wall: Local members and friends climb on a Thursday night, at 6-ish, either in Dundee at Vertical Limits or out and about. Contact Lizzie or Julia for details.
Slide shows: during the winter we meet on an evening at Julia's to share photos. Contact Julia Banks.
Thur 31 Oct: Sarah K and Julia on Iceland through and round.
Tues 3 Dec: Alison Higham on Travels in La Gomera
Highland: Cairngorms, Black Isle, North west, the Islands
For further information, including to join the WhatsApp group to enable walking and climbing arrangements, please contact Diana Woodman
Weekday Walks: these are organised in the 'Highland Belt' area on a Wednesday once a month. See Meets page.
Climbing: Members from across the area meet throughout the year at various climbing venues, indoors and out.
Slide shows during the winter, we usually start at 7.30 pm, except the Burns supper which starts at 7 pm.
Thur 23 Jan at Jo Kinghorn: Burns supper (Quiz Diana)
Thur 20 Feb at Mary Lothian's: Alison Higham on Karnischer Hohenweg (Austria)
Thur 20 Mar at TBA: Pen Noelle on Tajikistan cycling
Perth climbing wall Jan 2022
Skiing adventures